Jamie Timmons, (Lane X), passes Mark Sammut,(Sammut #78), in the third heat at Toledo.
It was Robert Gill's Birthday at Toledo so the "Jersey Jet", (Joey Payne-D&D Racing 66), let Gill wipe the crud off the tires as his birthday present. We think he might be drooling a little here, and the Jet thought he was spending a lot of time at the "rear" of the car, but we couldn't confirm it! Gotcha RG! Happy Birthday dude!
This is the front of Joey Payne's car,(D&D Racing #66), after the wicked crash in the backstretch where he hit Doug Saunier, (Lichty #84), head on as Saunier sat motionless after losing a wheel.
And here's the culprit that started the whole ordeal. Doug Saunier's left rear wheel! You can see where the left rear hub completely sheared off sending Saunier into a wild spin and leaving him a sitting duck in the middle of the backchute.